Women on Mission (WOM)
2010-2012 WMU Watchword
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
(Heb. 12:1-2 NIV)
Our Mission...
is to inform and inspire the Christian woman to influence her world for Christ.
For more information, contact the church office at (229) 436-5101.
Brotherhood Men’s Ministry
We have a good group of men who work in and around the church for the glory of our Lord. Some of our men have helped in different areas such as helped with a church bazaar, the Fall Festival, and shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse
Our men help anyone in need from cutting grass to repairing lawn mowers, burning limbs and cleaning up the church ball field.
We invite men and boys of all ages to join us on the first Saturday of each month. We all have a common goal! To serve and give praise to God! I am thankful for this great group of men.
Happy Hearts (Senior Adults)
This ministry had its beginning about 25 years ago and is still going strong. It is open to anyone 55 years of age and older and their spouse. Monthly meetings are scheduled to include a meal plus entertaining and educational programs.
Worship Service Prayer Ministry
The prayer ministry began in 2010 and volunteer prayer warriors continue to pray during the morning and evening services.
Thanks to the choir for leading us in worshiping God in music each Sunday, achieving a blend of gospel and worship music. We have also had our Team Kids choir and special guests to sing and bless us in song. Vicki Carter is the Interim Music Director, working with our pianist Margaret Beck, and our sound technician Tim Husted.
Putney on the Move
Since 2007, a mission team from FBC Putney has gone to our Judea and Samaria to be the hands and feet of Jesus by spreading the Gospel. The team has been to Helen, GA, Capon Bridge, WV, Mason Hall, TN, Denham Springs, LA and twice to Calvin, OK, Coeburn, VA, and Greenville, MS. In the past, the team has conducted VBS/Backyard Bible Clubs, helped in food pantries, repaired homes, cleaned yards and helped in the construction of churches.The team also sponsors a community block party for the area.
Heaven’s Manna
Since its beginning in September 2007, Heaven’s Manna has helped over 400 families and currently has 50 active families. Heaven’s Manna has distributed over 166,000 food items since 2007. God continues to bless Heaven’s Manna even through the tough times when food supplies have been low and when World Hunger Funds were depleted. The committee would like to thank FBC Putney for their continued support as we reach out to our neighbors and meet physical and spiritual needs.
During the year, our Youth have participated in Sunday School, Discipleship, and Wednesday night classes where we have studied God's Word.
Team Kids
Our motto for Team Kids is “Learning about God, Using the Bible, Living for Jesus”. On Wednesday nights, we have a wonderful class of boys and girls who enjoy doing just that: hearing a Bible story, learning a Bible verse, playing games, and applying what we have learned to our lives. TeamKids is taught by Vicki Carter.