Help Heaven's Manna Food Pantry
Post date: Jan 26, 2014 11:23:55 PM
Our local food pantry, Heaven's Manna, serves the needy families in our area in the Albany/Putney area. Some of the funding for 2014 has not been released yet and our pantry is running low on items. We are looking to get dry and canned goods that are in single or family-sized servings. Items such as any canned vegetables, soups, rice, grits, corn meal, mac and cheese. For dry goods in bags, please do not get bulk bags because we cannot break bags down for distribution.Here is a list of specific things you can look to get:
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
Rice (1-2lb bags)
Grits (1-2lb bags)
Macaroni and Cheese
Canned Chicken - 6oz (spring water)
Canned Tuna - 6oz (spring water)
Canned Vegetables - 14oz cans (beans, corn, peas, mixed veggies, pork n beans, butter beans, turnips, collards)
If you have items to donate, please contact the church office at (229) 436-5101
Your prayers and donations are greatly appreciated.